Monday, 6 January 2014


Who invented or discovered the fire ?

Invented by - Homo Erectus ("Upright Man").

Year - 1.8 million years ago approximately.

Definition - Fire is the rapid oxidation of a material in the exothermic chemical process of combustion, releasing heat, light, and various reaction products.

Purpose/Use -  Early humans invented or discovered FIRE for cooking food, keeping warm, and scaring animals away from shelters. Now FIRE is also used for hunting, landscape modification, making charcoal, smoking, steaming, communication and for burning and moulding of many kinds of materials (steel, gold etc.).

Famous anthropologist at Harvard University, Richard Wrangham claims that hominids became people—that is, acquired traits like big brains and dainty jaw by mastering fire. H. erectus originated about 1.8 million years ago. These hominids were about as tall as modern humans, but probably hairier and definitely dumber. It’s thought that both Neanderthals and Homo sapiens evolved from H. erectus, with Neanderthals emerging about 600,000 years ago (and going extinct around 30,000 years ago) and modern humans emerging around 200,000 years ago (and still going strong). Neanderthals were shorter and had more complex societies than H. erectus, and they’re thought to have been at least as large-brained as modern humans, but their facial features protruded a little more and their bodies were stouter than ours. It’s thought that Neanderthals died out from competing, fighting, or interbreeding with H. sapiens.

Most of the Scientists and anthropologists believe that "Upright Man" were probably the first to use fire though there is no formal concord.

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